Forté is a name that is synonymous with the very best in effective engine treatments. Our trade only products are used on a regular basis by over 8,000 garages in the UK to remove contamination and our programmes are part of the ‘norm’ when it comes to servicing a vehicle.

Forté have over 40 years experience in the UK helping and advising garages on how to make a noticeable difference to a vehicle’s performance and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Forté offers its customers a range of service and loyalty programmes, including an opportunity to become an exclusive Forté Authorised Service Centre, for an enhanced professional image and extensive technical support using Forté products.

Forté – safely cleaning engines for over 40 years.

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Forté technical tips – New Generation Engine Flush

Engine issues like oil contamination, soot build-up and sticking components can cause power loss, warning lights and excessive oil consumption....

Forté Technical Tips – What prevents DPF regeneration?

When it comes to diesel particulate filter issues there are several factors that can prevent or hinder DPF regeneration. Join...

Forté Technical Tips – What to do when it comes to turbocharger cleaning and restoring

With manufacturers being given stricter guidelines on improving engine efficiency and lowering emissions, engineers have had to innovate when it...