Diesel Specialist Injector Cleaner
Forté Diesel Specialist Injector Cleaner is formulated specifically to remove Internal Diesel Injector Deposits (IDID) and ensure injector cleanliness, restore spray pattern and restore combustion efficiency.
• Provides rapid cleaning of the fuel injector
• Removes the internal diesel injector deposits (IDID) also called ‘Injector Sticking’ and deposits on the injector nozzles
• Restores lost power and acceleration by removing harmful deposits that build up over time
• Improves fuel economy and overall engine performance due to fuel system clean-up
• Lowers exhaust gas emissions
• Easier cold starting and better ignition quality
• Harmless to Catalytic Converters and particulate filters
• Compatible with all Diesel Fuels including biodiesel up to B30
Can also be used for regular maintenance in conjunction with Forté Advanced Formula Diesel Treatment.
**This product is included in the “DPF CLEAN & REGEN” Twin Pack
**This product is included in the “TURBO CLEAN & RESTORE” Twin Pack